Are you ready to start living your best life?

Hello! I'm Kim, a licensed marriage & family therapist, fellow self-care warrior, and coach. My 30-day self-care challenge is designed to, well, CHALLENGE you! Throughout the course of this program, I'll coach you through:

  • Understanding why self-care is crucial

  • Learning what God says about self-care

  • Developing new coping skills

  • Teaching you practical steps to change your life

closeup photo of yellow petaled flowers

Doable Mini-Goals

Breaking larger goals into 3-day, bite-sized mini-goals is how success happens. My self-care guide will help you to better understand each of the ten challenges, and I'll walk you through how to put each one into practice.

Mind, Body & Spirit

Our Creator designed our parts to be intertwined. What I mean by this is that the health of our mind, body & spirit affects us. We must attend to each of these parts so that we can be in an optimal state to serve the Lord & live out His plan for our life.

Facebook Group Support

You'll get exclusive access to my private Facebook Group where you'll be able to receive encouragement from me & the other group members going through this challenge alongside you. God created us for connection; having social support increases your odds of success!


Having accountability partners will help you to take this challenge seriously & make a real difference in your life. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, so going through this challenge with like-minded sisters in Christ can help you keep a focused mindset.

What's included in this free program:

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Start your journey today!

Pour into your own cup first...

Self-care isn't selfish. In fact, Proverbs 31:10 says that you are more precious than jewels. And in Proverbs 17:22, the Bible says , "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." It is our responsibility to treat ourselves as the jewels that we are, and to not allow our spirit to be crushed under the weight of a self-critical heart.

Can you commit to treating yourself with the same mercy, grace, and tenderness as you treat your loved ones? Your best friend, even?

Yes you can, my sister. Self-care starts with YOU, and this challenge is what you've been waiting for.

This challenge can be done in the 30-day time frame or you can do it at your own pace. Whatever fits into your lifestyle. No pressure!

You're not doing this alone.

Philippians 4:13 tells us that "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us." No matter what difficulties you're facing today, you do NOT have to face them alone.

Sign up today and see how fulfilling it is to give yourself the same attention and love that you give to others in your life. I believe that this will be a transformative time of renewal, rejuvenation, and refreshing for you. The Lord is with you every step of the way, and so are we!

I look forward to welcoming you!
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